Alumni Profiles
Alumni Profiles
Learn more about the following Waynflete alumni, 当他们回顾自己在韦恩弗莱特的经历,以及这所学校对他们的意义时.
作为一名教师和儿科医生,艾米丽·弗兰克(Emily Frank)将在韦恩弗莱特中学到的经验充分利用起来
在温蒂·柯蒂斯等老师的指导下度过了四年, Carol Titterton, and David Vaughan, Emily had become passionate about science. During the summer before her freshman year in college, 缅因州医学中心研究所的奖学金让她初步接触到了医学. 这是一次激动人心的经历——“我简直不敢相信人们靠做研究为生,” she recalls.
与Ali Ghorashi ' 15一起探索凝聚态理论的世界
打开立体声接收器、游戏系统或台式电脑的电源. Wait a few minutes, then place your hand on the top panel. Feel the warmth? 那是废热,是低效导电的结果. Multiply that effect by the billions of residential, commercial, 以及世界各地正在使用的工业设备和机器,你就会开始意识到有多少发电以热量的形式损失了,以及这些废热对全球变暖的影响.
But don’t fret. 变革即将到来,15岁的Ali Ghorashi是负责此案的团队的一员.
For most of us, 在缅因州参观一个美丽的地方意味着欣赏风景, basking in the sun, and perhaps looking out for local wildlife. Becky Smith thinks a bit differently. When she’s out in the natural world, 她更感兴趣的是知道那个特定的地方在数百万年前是什么样子.
Izzy Parkinson ' 09在Google将艺术、技术和社区融合在一起
Isabel Parkinson ’09 grew up in Kennebunk, but for most of her high school years, she considered herself an honorary Portlander. Immersed in a variety of sports and activities, with many close friends at Waynflete, 伊兹经常从清晨一直待到深夜. “I would stay over at friends’ houses during the week, which was pretty special for high school,” she says. “这种独立感对大学生活是很好的训练.”
用马尔科姆·格拉德威尔的话来说,1982年的马戈·沃尔什是一个“联络人”.从惠顿学院毕业后,她成为了一名成功的招聘人员, 与高盛(Goldman Sachs)和人力资源咨询公司休伊特(Hewitt)等机构合作,“帮助人们找到合适的人。,” as she puts it. But in 2011, 她的出生源于她十年前从药物滥用障碍中康复的经历, Margo left the corporate world to create MaineWorks, 一家职业介绍所,其使命是为那些面临重返职场障碍的人创造有尊严的工作生活, including individuals recovering from addiction, people with felony convictions, and veterans facing re-entry obstacles.
Navigating the Mashup with John Wordock ’87
1984年,87岁的约翰·沃多克作为一名新生进入韦恩弗莱特高中时,已经有了五年的新闻工作经验. Graced with self-knowledge at a young age, 他知道他想做什么(成为一名电台记者),也知道他想去哪里(纽约还是华盛顿), DC). “As a fifth-grader, 我会拿出索引卡,写下球的比分, headlines, and the weather report,” he recounts. “我把新闻片段读了一遍,中间放些唱片,然后把整个过程录在磁带上.”
与Leah Binder ' 80一起实现更好的医疗保健成果
想象一下,你来到汽车修理店,却发现技术人员不小心把你车里的油换成了水,把发动机弄坏了. “The shop owner doesn’t go on to say, ‘And here is a bill for the water and a new engine,’” says Leah Binder ’80. “But this happens every day in the healthcare industry. 不安全的医院要向雇主和政府支付解决错误后果的费用, with little or no financial sting.”
Meet Carol Leavitt Adams ’47
卡罗尔·莱维特(Carol Leavitt) 1947年毕业于新巴黎人注册网站学院,此后在三大洲展开了一段光彩夺目的职业生涯. 她是一个性格坚强的女人,有幽默感,最重要的是,有决心.
Her determination was always on display at Waynflete. 她的同学格里·阿尔佐尼科·克莱门特记得卡罗尔每天早上都涂着非法的、非常红的口红来学校. 每天早上,伍德拉夫小姐都给她上一课,让她把头发洗掉. The same scene was repeated every day for weeks.
Meet Matthew Page ’97
97岁的马特·佩奇(Matt Page)在高中生活的中期培养了两种爱好. 第一个是英格兰,这是我在普利茅斯一年经历的结果, UK, as part of his father’s sabbatical from Bowdoin. 第二:对人文学科的喜爱,这是德巴·柯蒂斯(Debba Curtis)等老师培养的兴趣.
当马特开始政治本科新巴黎人注册网站时,他的两种激情汇合了, philosophy, and economics at Oxford. He discovered that he was well-prepared. “韦恩弗雷特告诉新巴黎人注册网站,有了强大的写作能力,你就有了生存技能,”马特说. “In my line of work, writing well is an expectation. 但如果你写得特别好,再加上批判性思考的能力, 你可以让你的想法更加强大和引人注目.”
Meet Julia Merriam ’10
10岁的朱莉·梅里亚姆(Julie Merriam)说:“当我开始在Waynflete工作时,一切都改变了。. 在大二进入高中之前,她一直很害羞,专注于学业. “但在Waynflete,我感到受到鼓励,可以尝试以前从未感到自在的事情.朱莉参加了长曲棍球和曲棍球等课外活动. “它帮助我在以后的生活中找到我想做的事情. 如果没有韦恩弗里特的经历,我可能不会有这样的信心.”
During her high school breaks, Julie volunteered with Partners In Development, 这是一个帮助改善海地贫困社区生活质量的非营利组织, Guatemala, and Mississippi through economic development, children’s programs, and housing and medical assistance. Julie’s teachers supported her global citizenship work. “2010年地震后三个月我去了海地,”她说. “It had a real impact on me.” Julie wrote a paper about her experience, and her teacher, Taffy Field, helped her process the event. “I always had a lot of support when I was at Waynflete.”